产品简介 ▲ 箱型风冷式工业冷水机采用触摸式防水防尘控制面板,制冷温度3~30℃可调,接触器属法国施耐德、韩国LG系列,控制系统采用模块化设计,并装有系统进酸碱保护电流过载保护高低压保护及时间延时保护等多项保护装置,如有故障及时报警并显示故障。 ▲ 本产品采用全新原装进口压缩机,属三洋、谷轮、松下系列,使产品的能效比更高。冷凝器采用高效翅片式的设计,蒸发器采用高效内螺纹铜管水箱盘管式设计,能有效提高热效果,清洗也方便。 ▲ 水泵精选意大利、闽台大流量高扬程水泵,使用安全**静,省电耐用。机体外壳用静电粉体涂料烤漆,美观大方。装有不锈钢水箱,清洗方便快捷。水箱内含有浮球自动补水装置,可用来测量并控制水位,从而有效地为客户节省时间并提高工作效率。 ▲ 箱型风冷式冷水机主要应用行业:激光技术、焊接、塑料成型、注塑、挤塑、吹瓶、热力塑型、机械切削加工、非切削加工、铸造、表面处理、电镀、电泳、医疗设备、电子行业、电路板生产、电子蕊片制造、化工、造纸、制药业、食品加工业、铝型材、铝合金、钢化玻璃、镀膜玻璃生产、超声波清冼、首饰加工、皮革、皮草加工、油墨生产、养殖业。 ▲This product is waterproof and dustproof touch control panel,cooling temperature 3~30℃ adjustable,schneider contactor is France, South Korea's LG series, the control system is modular in design and equipped with current overload protection system into high and low pH time delay protection and protection of a number of protective devices, if failure timely alarm and display fault. ▲The imported product with a new compressor, is a sanyo,copeland,panasonic series, so that higher energy efficiency of products. finned condenser design of high-efficiency, high-efficiency evaporator coil inside the threaded brass tank design can effectively improve the thermal effect, but also easy to clean. ▲Pump selection Italy, Taiwan, high flow high head pumps, the use of security ultra-quiet, energy-saving durable electrostatic powder coating with the body shell paint, nice. Equipped with a stainless steel water tank, clean and convenient. Automatically fill the tank with float water plant, used to measure and control the water level, so as to effectively serve customers save time and improve efficiency. ▲Box-type air-cooled chiller Main application: laser technology, welding, plastic molding, iniection molding, extrusion,blow molding, thermal modeling, mechanical machining, non-cutting machining, casting, surface treatment, electroplating,electrophoresis, medical equipment , the electronics industry,circuit board production,manufacture of electronic microarrays,chemical, paper, pharmaceutical, food processing,aluminum,aluminum alloy, tempered glass, coated glass production,ultrasonic cleansing, jewelry processing, leather, fur processing,printing ink production and aquaculture. 特点 风冷式设计,除配备箱型机组的所有性能外,*加装冷却水塔和冷却水泵,安装简单、操作方便,可装整机安装在室外,节约生产场地及空间,可降低噪音,集中供应冷水,适用于中小型生产设备(此机型适合北方及缺水源的地区)大部分机型可同时带热回收,在提供冷源时可提供热能,适合用冷热需求的场所和加工用途。 Air-cooled design, with a box-type unit in addition to all the performance, but without the installation of cooling towers and cooling water pumps, installation is simple, easy to operate, the whole installation can be installed outdoors, saving space and production space, reduce noise, focus on supply cold water,suitable for small and medium sized production equipment(the model for the northern areas and water sources) most of the models at the same time with heat recovery, in the provision of the cold source to provide heat, hot and cold with the demand for places and processing purposes.